Cats vs Dogs: Which Pet Is Best For You?

Each one of us has been asked at least once in his life: Are you a cat person or a dog person? And frankly, many of us have given out an answer with complete confidence just to have picked aside and made a statement in the Cat vs Dogs dilemma. Some people choose both and raise them at the same house.

But have you ever stopped and wondered which pet is actually best for you? Here is what you should keep in mind when choosing a furry friend to take home.

Remember they’re individuals

There are common known stereotypes about cats and dogs. Dogs are thought of as more bubbly, fun and outgoing while cats are more for reserved and quiet people who enjoy the sense of coziness a pet brings without too much hassle.

While this is true to some extent, take into consideration that a lot of factors play a role in an animal’s personality. Genetics, breed, the animal’s history, and the presence of another animal in the house could greatly affect its behavior. Yes, fun energetic cats and quiet reserved dogs do exist.


The time and budget you have should play a major role in choosing your pet.

Dogs in general are more expensive and require more food, toys, vet visits and training. On the other hand, cats in general need less vet trips and are pretty independent by nature, relying on humans basically for only food.

Another point for cats, they are clean by nature and require little grooming and bathing. Dogs are more dependent and require a little bit of extra care in order to keep your furry friend clean and healthy.


Dogs are generally easier to train and have better potential than cats when it comes to obedience. Dogs have a pack mentality which makes them more capable of following commands.
On the other hand, Cats’ independence makes them slightly stubborn in following orders.

When it comes to litter training, on the other hand, the roles are reversed. Cats instinctively want an isolated and clean place to ‘do their businesses’ and sometimes it takes as minimal effort to potty train them as showing it the litter box once.

Dogs on the other hand are a lot messier and tougher to train in that matter, especially younger puppies.

Extra points for cats

• Cats are very reserved so any attention of them feels special
• A good choice for people who never had a pet before
• Quieter and less of a hassle

Extra points for dogs

• Always happy, it’s contagious
• Can be used for security and service work
• Teach you responsibility

Although, Cats and Dogs have been compared to each other since the beginning of time, it’s important to remember that they both have more in common than you think.

Cats and Dogs are equally loveable, wonderful companions and a major source of happiness and stress relief.
No matter which furry friend you end up choosing, trust that it will make your life a lot more vibrant and happier.

Let us know, are you team cat or team dog? Comment below!


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