7 Ways For Cats And Dogs To Get Along

A lot of people are unable to choose a side in the Cat vs Dog Dilemma, so they make a reasonable decision to choose both. After that, they’re met with a bigger question: Can cats and dogs get along?

The phrase “fight like cats and dogs” actually holds real-life significance. Both cats and dogs are very territorial animals that are ready to fight whenever anyone invades their personal space.

Luckily, there are ways to make cats and dogs coexist at the same house

1. Start Young

Socializing cats and dogs from a young age is much easier than introducing them as adults.

Puppies are easier to train than dogs and tend to be less confident. The cat in question will enjoy having the upper hand and accept its role as the alpha.

You can read our guide on how to find the best dog trainer in Dubai

2. Introduce Items First

Animals use scent to identify new things and get familiar with them. Scatter around the animal’s toys and bedding for the other to find.

By introducing a group of the animals’ items first, they will have the opportunity to recognize the other as a more friendly presence instead of a complete intruder.

3. Dinner Date

The best time for the animals to get introduced to one another is during mealtime.

Keep a safe distance between both of them as they devour their meal then slowly start to decrease this distance gradually.

The future furry friends will create a positive association between their delicious meal and the new unfamiliar presence.

You can find the best pet friendly activities to do with your pets here

4. Keep Things Fair And Square

Both cats and dogs are very jealous by nature. They will notice any difference in attention, toys or treats and that will impact the relationship between the cat and dog.

We know that dogs require a lot more maintenance to keep them clean and healthy while cats are much more independent.

However, make sure you split your attention and playtime equally between both your furry friends and assure they both have access to equal toys and treats.

5. Train The Dog

A huge part of the coexistence between the cat and dog depends on how well the dog is trained.

It’s best if the dog understands the essential commands so you can be able to stop any aggressive or negative behavior that he might display.

6. Give The Cat Space

Cats are very territorial, even more than dogs. Just because they’re okay with sharing a house with a dog, doesn’t mean they don’t need their own space.

Make sure the cat has its own safe space that is off-limit for the dog. This space will act as a refuge when the dog’s fuss gets too much.

The cat’s space doesn’t have to be in a separate room, luckily cats are climbers and you can make use of vertical space.

In fact, this will allow your cat to watch the dog from a distance and feel a lot safer.

The most important thing to remember is that all cats and dogs are different. However, with a little patience, your cat and dog will become friends in no time!

If having both cats and dogs seem like too much of a hassle, let us help you make up your mind in the Cats vs Dogs Dilemma

If you decided to adopt a dog or a cat, you can read everything you need to know about adopting a dog in Dubai or Adoption Guide in UAE

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